Silver Sneakers

Through group exercise classes and aquatic programs that concentrate on mobility and flexibility, dance classes, social events, and volunteer activities, the YMCA is bringing Seniors / Active Older Adults (AOA) together for camaraderie, fellowship and fun!

Get Started

The Y participates in several Medicare Advantage programs including Silver SneakersSilver & Fit and Renew Active which provides free memberships to the Y. Please bring your insurance card to the Y location of your choice or call in advance to check your plan’s eligibility. If your plan does not include this benefit, the Y offers a variety of membership rates.

On your first visit, you’ll be asked to sign a participation waiver.

Find Classes
Classes focus on muscular strength, range of movement and activity for daily living skills. We offer many classes including include Silver Sneaker Classic, Silver Sneaker Yoga, ZUMBA Gold, Healthy Back, Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program. We also offer a number of chronic disease prevention programs that support healthy lifestyles including Diabetes Prevention, Fall Prevention and Blood Pressure Self Monitoring. Check out our Healthy Living Center to learn more.

Get Social
Ys offer a number of special events, group outings and activities like book club, crafting and card clubs. Check out this month’s calendar

Stay Healthy
Ys offer a number of workshops, lunch & learns and screenings throughout the year. Check out this month’s calendar


County YMCA
Kelly Gheres 734-5700

Downtown YMCA
Monica Olesnanik 877-7030

Eastside Family YMCA
Doug Forne 899-9622

Glenwood Park YMCA
Nancy Jo Foor 868-0867

Program Contacts

Caleb Prentice
Phone: (814) 734-5700
Email: [email protected]

Zach Miller
Phone: (814) 452-3261
Email: [email protected]

Shelly Sheridan 
Phone: (814) 899-9622
Email: [email protected]

Nancy Jo Foor
Phone: (814) 868-0867
Email: [email protected]

Kelly Gibson
Phone: (814) 875-2194
Email: [email protected]

On this page, you may register for programs. Use the navigation to filter for location, program category and more.

Y360 includes member-only FREE access to a full ON DEMAND library and LIVE classes and programs– from anywhere, at any time.  To access Y360, you’ll need to have set-up your online member account. Click here for a helpful video in setting up your account.

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