What is YMCA360?
YMCA360 is an on-demand video platform for our Y community. YMCA360 offers group exercise classes, youth sports training, wellbeing classes and more to serve you wherever you are. Whether you are at home or on the road, take the Y with you along with your favorite classes, instructors and more.
How do I access YMCA360?
To log into the ymca360.org website and tv app, you must know your email associated with your membership. You will simply click the login button, enter your email address and zip code, and select your local YMCA branch. Once you complete this step, you will receive an email with a 6 digit passcode, which you will enter to gain access.
To log into the mobile app, enter the email and password you use for the ymcaerie.org website. This email will be the same as the email you use for ymca360.org and the tv app.
I am not a member or I have my membership on hold. Can I still access YMCA360?
YMCA360 is exclusively for members. Interested in using YMCA360? Join today!
Is there a trial available for YMCA360?
Not at this time. You can stop into a local Y as a guest and experience YMCA360 InStudio.