Support and services for those re-entering a law-abiding life. Includes a client mentor and faith-based community mentoring. Job training, employment, education, medical/mental health care.

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The Erie County Re-Entry Services and Support Alliance (ECRSSA) is a component to Erie County’s crime reduction strategy: prevention, enforcement, re-entry. Learn more at UnifiedErie.

Mission Statement: To provide support and services to individuals re-entering a law-abiding life after being released from federal, state or county prison for criminal or gang related convictions.

Vision Statement: For Erie County’s law enforcement and faith-based community to create a place where individuals re-entering law-abiding life feel supported, empowered and fully integrated into the community. 

How it Works:

ECRSSA provides re-entry support to those transitioning to law-abiding life after returning to Erie County from federal, state or county incarceration:

  • Case management and peer support for transitioning clients
  • Referrals made by prison or parole staff using the ECRSSA screening referral form
  • Screening referral is reviewed and level of service is determined
  • Intake date and time will be scheduled to meet with the client
  • Walk-ins are also welcome

Who are Transitioning Clients?

  • An individual released from federal, state or county prison re-entering Erie County after serving a sentence for a criminal conviction; and/or
  • An individual re-entering a law-abiding life from criminal network involvement


ECRSSA staff serve as points of contact and resources for the transitioning client, families and their support network. The staff provide direction and support to accessing and attaining community services.

Intensive case management (ICM) services are provided to those returning to Erie County from federal, state or county incarceration. (returning to Erie County is defined as a person who resided in Erie County at the time of conviction and is returning upon release).

Available services:

  • job training
  • employment
  • education
  • medical and/or mental health care
  • transportation
  • housing (with sustainable income)
  • 12-months case management support

To be eligible for ECRSSA services, the client must rank as medium to high-risk offender at their parole risk or needs assessment.

  • Referrals can be made by prison or parole staff using the ECRSSA Screening Referral Form
  • Once received, it is reviewed and verified by the ECRSSA Program Manager
  • If eligible, a case manager is assigned and will visit the inmate
  • The case manager will contact the referring source to establish an intake date
  • Individuals who are maxing out or have been out of prison for six months of less

If a person does not meet the eligibility criteria, ECRSSA staff meet with the person once they are in the community and can offer short term, less intensive case management.


A “Call In” is a violence reduction strategy UnifiedErie has used with adults in the community. With the assistance of law enforcement, ECRSSA and community partners invite those at risk for committing or re-committing crime to come in and hear a message; that message involves a sincere offer of supports and help, but it also offers a sincere message of swift and certain consequences if they continue to engage in the behaviors.

Call In meetings are confidential, safe and supportive. A free meal is provided. 

Program Location:
YMCA of Greater Erie, Downtown
31 West 10th Street
Erie, PA 16501
Phone: (814) 452-3261
Fax: (814) 459-4077

Hours of Service:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Program Staff:
Jake Kelton
ECRSSA Program Director
Office: (814) 452-3261 ext. 2268
[email protected]

Allen Brown
ECRSSA Peer Mentor
Office: (814) 452-3261 ext. 2279
[email protected]

Lance Buser
ECRSSA Case Manager
Office: (814) 452-3261 ext. 2283
[email protected]