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Keystone STARS

Y programs are licensed by the Office of Child Development, PA Department of Public Welfare and meet YMCA of the USA Quality Check Standards.  Like a hotel rating system, Y programs are accredited by the Pennsylvania Keystone STARS program.  That’s important to you as a parent because you can be sure your kids are thriving in the highest quality learning environment with qualified, certified teachers who annually seek continuing education and certifications in CPR/First Aid, Water Safety, Fire Safety & Child Development.

All Y programs are either Keystone 3 or 4 accredited.  Each stars designation has its own research-based performance standards.  These standards measure areas of childcare and education.

What you can expect from the quality rating is:

  • Professional development and training for our teachers; half to two-thirds of the staff have completed or are enrolled in credentials or degrees
  • Literacy activities including reading, story-telling and encouraging written and verbal communication
  • Parent and community resources are used effectively in the quality delivery of the program
  • Business, organizational and staff compensation practices are maximized
  • A review of the program center by a nationally recognized environment rating scale that indicates a high quality score

Contact Us

Please feel free to call or email us at your preferred location, or chat with us for more information.

31 W 10th St
Erie, PA 16501
General: (814) 452-3261
Email: [email protected]

2101 Nagle Road
Erie, PA 16510
General: (814) 899-9622
Email: [email protected]

3727 Cherry Street
Erie, PA 16508
General: (814) 868-0867
Email: [email protected]

8600 West Lake Road
Lake City, PA 16423
General: (814) 402-1225
Email: [email protected]

Infants and Toddlers

Children 6 wks.-2 years bond with their caregivers and thrive in high quality educational environment.

Traditional Preschool

Children 3-5 years become Kindergarten ready through child-centered activities.

Pre-K Counts

High-quality preschool program offered to qualifying families at no cost.


Before & After-School Enrichment & Summer Camp

Keystone STARS

A recognized accreditation program ensures high quality standards and educated teachers.

Summer Camp

Traditional Day Camp for school-age children at convenient locations throughout Erie County.