Michele Nowacinski loves being a stay-at-home mom to her three young children, but with no family in the area and a homeschooling routine to maintain, it can be challenging to get a break.

That’s why the whole family looks forward to their visits to the Glenwood YMCA. The kids spend time playing and forming friendships in Child Watch while Michele takes time for herself in the pool.

“It’s such a blessing,” says Michele. “The Y means so much to me — the staff are more like family.”

Swimming has become Michele’s outlet. She says the pool offers her a mental and physical break. The water is calming and provides some rare quiet in her day.

“I’m so grateful to have this time. When I get that break, it helps me to be a better mom.”

Mental Health Community Care at the Y

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the YMCA of Greater Erie is encouraging community members to care for themselves and others.

Mental health is how we think, feel and act. At the Y, we recognize that we all have mental health, and mental health is an important part of our overall health and social-emotional well-being, as well as a core component of our identity.

The Y supports the mental health of individuals and communities in all the work we do to help people reach their full potential—whether that’s teaching life skills to youth in our summer camps, supporting our staff, helping people achieve their best physical health or helping newcomer immigrants access services. This type of non-clinical support is called “community care” and includes:

  • Understanding mental health as something we all have—it is how we think, feel, and act.
  • Applying positive self-care practices routinely.
  • Engaging in conversations in a genuine way, with empathy and the intent of building meaningful relationships.
  • Understanding and applying trauma-informed guiding principles when interacting with others.
  • Understanding the impact of social determinants of health, systemic racism, discrimination and marginalization on mental health.
  • Modeling emotion regulation, co-regulation, and effective coping skills.
  • Recognizing signs that someone may be struggling.
  • Connecting individuals to primary and specialty support when needed.
  • Providing initial response in crisis situations.
  • Initiating dialogue and collaborating with others to embed mental health informal care support throughout the community.

All the above are informed by practices found in social-emotional learning, trauma-informed care and suicide prevention. Through this work, we can reduce the risk and impact of mental illness, provide early intervention, and support the process of healing and recovery. We also provide a critical bridge to formal mental health care providers when needed.

Everyone can play a role in mental health community care. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Y encourages you to identify simple ways you can care for yourself and others, such as:

  • Using your powers of observation to notice when someone may be struggling with a hard day, moment or situation.
  • Intentionally asking “how are you?” and encouraging honest answers so others can share and feel heard.
  • Bringing empathy, compassion and kindness to your daily interactions.
  • When you notice someone struggling, connecting them to mental health resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255 or https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org).

Join Five Days of Action to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, April 15-19

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. As part of our commitment to protecting the children in our community, we’re participating in the Five Days of Action – a week-long campaign to increase awareness of child sexual abuse and empower and equip us all to prevent it. By taking part in this important campaign and implementing abuse prevention practices year-round, the YMCA of Greater Erie is committing to the safety of all children in our community.

The Know. See. Respond. campaign is back this year, and Childhelp, Common Sense Media, and Committee for Children have shared resources to support this campaign.


KNOWing the facts about child sexual abuse can help adults better understand what to look for and how to prevent it. As parents, caregivers, and trusted adults to the young people in our lives, we play an important role in protecting them from abuse. Learn more about the different types of abuse, the signs and how you can help at childhelphotline.org.


Media and technology are at the center of children’s lives every day. With more of life happening online, what catches their attention isn’t always what’s best for them. As a parent or caregiver, you may SEE a child interacting with media daily, and you can be equipped with the tools and resources to make sure any environment (including online) is free from any abuse. Learn more at commonsensemedia.org/articles/online-safety.


How can you RESPOND to the call to help prevent child sexual abuse? As a parent or caregiver, you may know it’s important to talk about it, but you may not know what or when to say it. Committee for Children has created the Hot Chocolate Talk campaign, packing decades of research into easy-to-use guides to help you begin these crucial conversations – at any age, from toddler to teen. Visit cfchildren.org/resources/child-abuse-prevention/ to learn more and empower your child to report and refuse sexual abuse.

We take our commitment to child protection seriously and we hope you do too.

Join Us As We Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the County YMCA

On March 29, 1999, the County YMCA in Edinboro opened its doors with the goal of putting Christian principles into practice through programs that built a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Twenty-five years later, the Y has been a cornerstone of the Edinboro community — a place where families grow, neighbors meet and children learn.

While we are proud of what the County Y has become, we know it’s the people that make the Y the special place that it is.

Join us as we celebrate this milestone, 25 years in the making!

YMCA staff will be hosting a reception in the lobby on Friday, March 29 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Stop in to enjoy a treat and share a favorite memory! We’ll have a memory wall available leading up to the event, so stop in any time that week to write in your own and to read what others have shared.

On behalf of our County Y team, past and present, thank you for letting us be a part of your story. We hope to see you on March 29!

‘I’ve Met No Strangers Here’

Roslyn Davidson-Riley was an avid walker but her doctor cautioned her against walking on cement. So, with her Silver Sneakers Membership, Roslyn started walking the track at the Eastside Family YMCA. She had a friend who was a member there, but she quickly made new friends who invited her to join more activities.

“A couple ladies started talking to me on the track,” Roslyn says. “We started sharing a bit about our lives and became friends.” That’s when they invited Roslyn to come to class in the small pool. “I was so happy.”

Roslyn said she’s met a lot of nice people and really loves her classes.

“It’s a wonderful place to come for your workout,” she says of the YMCA, “but relationships can really be built because of the nice people you meet here.”

Roslyn recalls how her classmates sang “Happy Birthday” to her in both of her morning pool classes. They even brought in a plastic cake.

With a big smile, Roslyn sums up her experience: “I’ve met no strangers here.”