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Celebrating 165 YearsThe YMCA of Greater Erie is proud to celebrate
our 165th Anniversary in 2025.
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The YMCA of Greater Erie
Fostering community strength through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
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The YMCA of Greater Erie is a leading nonprofit community resource providing services and programs in the areas of youth development,  healthy living and social responsibility.  Our cause is to strengthen community. We serve a diverse population of men, women, and children with an emphasis on families.

Deeply rooted in communities throughout Erie County, the Y works in partnership with like-minded organizations to collectively improve the quality of life of all citizens by aligning our priorities with our community’s vision as identified by Erie Vital Signs.

Our membership is 21 million strong and spread across more than 2,600 Y associations nationwide. Here locally, our four membership branches, outdoor recreation center, nine early and school-age education program centers and community outreach programs serve more than 35,000.

Our strength to deliver impactful programs and services come from our dedicated staff, volunteers and donors; a long-standing reputation of reliability and accountability; and fiscal responsibility.

The YMCA of Greater Erie devotes our full strength to the Y’s mission and cause.  We believe:

  • All people should be treated with caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
  • All people deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential.
  • Community change can only come about when we work together.
  • In a holistic approach to wellness and promote a healthy spirit, mind and body.
  • We exist to strengthen community today and in the future.

From our beginnings more than 150 years ago, the YMCA of Greater Erie’s legacy has been about the inspirational stories shared from the individuals the Y has helped. Each year of our history has been marked by undeniable accomplishments in the face of the challenges of changing times, but more than anything, what marks our history is our commitment to helping people. The Y is a safe, reliable community resource where both the young and young-at-heart can learn, grow, be accepted and connect with family and community members.  Read many Y stories in a special Erie Times News supplement celebrating the Y’s 150 years of service to the Erie community.

The Y’s impact in our community extends well beyond our gyms and pools. The Y is the largest provider of health and well-being, family strengthening, youth development and social responsibility programs in Erie County. There is rarely an instance in a person’s life in which the Y does not play a role.


The Y removes barriers to health and wellness, aids youth development, assists personal achievement, and gives a direct connection to nature in the midst of a harried society. To a family, we might be their favorite pool. To a child, we might be their best friend. To an adult, we might be the second chance they so desperately need. All in all, we’re in the business of human potential.

The YMCA is part of a world wide effort to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy mind, spirit and body for all.

Our mission is not static. It’s not a destination. It evolves to meet the needs of the communities we serve and the individuals that depend on our programs and services. Understanding our mission is important. Our dedication to deliver on that mission is critical. But, it’s equally imperative that we connect on a more personal level to the people that are part of our Y family. We need to know names, faces and hear their stories.

Members of the Y realize they are not just casual users of a facility but connected, committed members of a Y community. People have come to the Y for many reasons over the years – it began with Erie’s first library and adult education classes for immigrants, then discussion and prayer groups and affordable housing.  Erie’s first basketball games, swimming pools, organized camp for boys and the first public playgrounds all originated with the Y. Soon began suburban outreach work, and the building of the Glenwood, Eastside and County Ys, prayer breakfasts for elected officials and the creation of “daycare” centers.  Today, four Y branches offer a variety of recreational and fitness programs, 9 early and school-age education program locations provide care to infants as young as six weeks, 9 summer camp locations create an unforgettable summer for school-age children, and 1 public camping and recreation center makes lasting memories.

And while our mission work is due to the multiple generations of committed and responsive leaders, the equally important players in this milestone achievement are our volunteers, donors and our employees. To them, we are eternally indebted. To all of you who advance our mission each and every day, in small but significant ways, thank you for your continued support! Your support has impacted someone you may never meet, but rest assured that you made the impossible possible for that person.


history_general2Together, the nation’s 2,617 YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community service organization in America, working to meet the health and human service needs of 20.2 million men, women and children in 10,000 communities in the United States. YMCAs are at the heart of community life across the country: 42 million families and 72 million households are located within three miles of a YMCA.

YMCA stands for Young Men’s Christian Association, but don’t misinterpret this to mean that YMCAs are only for “young, Christian men.” From its start more than 150 years ago, when George Williams founded the YMCA as a substitute Bible study and prayer for life on the streets, the YMCA was unusual because it crossed the rigid lines that separated all the different churches and social classes in England in those days. This openness was a trait that would lead YMCAs to recognize their strength is in the people they bring together — Ys are for all people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. YMCAs’ financial assistance policies ensure that no one is turned away for reasons of inability to pay.


12285 YMCA Drive
Edinboro, PA 16412
General: (814) 734-5700
Email: [email protected]

31 W 10th St
Erie, PA 16501
General: (814) 452-3261
Email: [email protected]

2101 Nagle Road
Erie, PA 16510
General: (814) 899-9622
Email:[email protected]

3727 Cherry Street
Erie, PA 16508
General: (814) 868-0867
Email: [email protected]

8600 West Lake Road
Lake City, PA 16423
General: (814) 774-9416
Email: [email protected]

About Us

Who we are, what we believe and our history.


A Y membership gives you so much more than just a place to work out!

Facility Usage Guidelines

Details on all YMCA policies.


At the Y, you’re not just a member of a facility; you’re part of a cause.